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If it happens to you that you have never had abs or it has happened

a time without exercising whatever the

reason post I am going to teach you how to have your abs marked at home

Jeff Seid Natural Abs

Abdomen exercises for beginners
if you have never done exercises for abdomen what we recommend

is that you start with mild exercises so you don't get hurt or have stiffness the day after your first workout at home and this will last up to a week.

good and you will wonder what I do then: well now I explain it to you

The best security measures you can take into account are

eat well as this will give you the strength to execute each exercise

Sleeping Enough When you get enough sleep 8 or more hours of sleep at night will make an excellent muscular and mental recovery along with good nutrition and you will have the necessary strength to resist and training the next day.

Best Exercises for ABDOMEN
Among the best exercises we have if you are a beginner:

Abdominals in machine: to perform this exercise you need to make an investment which is very worthwhile but neglect is not the only way to get your abdomen marked

Alternate shrugs: what you have to do is lie on the floor and cross your feet in the shape of four and then do a kind of crunch to the opposite side

Leg raises or inverted crunch: it is a slightly more demanding movement requested by the rectus abdominis, but which requires a good technique to care for the spine

Our advice
In addition to concentrating on the technique and posture that each exercise requires to perform effectively and safely, we recommend taking into account the following useful information:

Like all muscles, the abdominals need rest, so it is advisable not to exercise the abdomen every day, but to leave a day of recovery in the middle of each workout at least.
Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise also helps: it also helps to achieve good abs, because not by doing many exercises of this type we will be able to eliminate the belly, such as
When working the abdomen, also remember to compensate the muscles by exercising lumbar, to avoid discomfort in the lower back due to imbalances in the strength of the muscles.
The main thing is not the quantity, but the quality, that is, if you perform the exercises slowly, concentrating the force on the abdomen and with good technique, you will achieve more results than if you do 100 abdominals in bad shape or on autopilot.
With these tips and the exercises given above, you can achieve a good workout for your abs, ideal for beginners due to the security and stability that each movement provides.

Although we have selected these exercises for those who are just beginning to train, they are also suitable and very effective in giving diversity to the routine of those who are more advanced.


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