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Jeff Seid Biography

Jeff Seid is a Young Man Born June 12, 1994 in Renton, Washington, United States. I started playing sports at the early age of 5 and it was the basis on which this would become an epic journey.


Jeff Seid was always a very athletic boy as cresia realized that being physically strong and in good shape would give him an even greater advantage from his young age. This desire and passion led him to start exercising from the early age of 11

The young Jeff at the end of his high school studies was aspiring to a scholarship sponsored by the futbool sport which he practiced at the time.

He tells us that he had the plan to pay for his university studies based on scholarships which could come from soccer and struggles.

But everything was going great until it was the first game he had to play in which unfortunately he had a cruciate ligament injury. Which tells Jeff that it was a very depressing stage in his life. Which was not only that I left him out of soccer that year but that I left him without an offer from any team

Bodybuilding career by jeff seid

But it doesn't end there

A few days before his first surgery on the cruciate ligament, the young bodybuilder was at the site and came across the latest IFBB bodybuilding category, Men's Physique. He had been training constantly for 6 years at the time, so he wanted to use what he had dedicated from his life to construction and see if he could make a career of what he loved.

The weights.

He entered the competition and managed to win it and became the youngest person to win the IFBB PRO pass

after said competition jeff's career took off and he became a star in the fitnes world a few more months of preparation he competed in the olympia for the second time in order to make himself known and thus begin to be sponsored by brands and supplements

Later Jeff created his clothing brand Seid wear and his YouTube channel with more than 1 million followers and his Instagram account with more than three million to date.


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